Kancelaria prawna z biurami w Gdańsku, Gdyni i Warszawie


In the face of progressive globalization, polish citizens increasingly pair each other with people derived from other, often distant parts of the world. What happens, when in the relationship of man and woman, the transboundary problem appears and one of them has to strive for possibility of legal residence in Poland – the country of their partner? 

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Besides temporary and permanent residence permits, the long-term EU resident permit is one of primary ways to legalize the residency in Poland. Just like permanent permit it is issued with no defined  period of validity, which means that it gives the opportunity to stay and work in Poland (without the necessity to obtain any additional permit) for an unlimited period of time. However, it doesn’t mean that the permit cannot be revoked in some particular situations. 

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Zezwolenie na pobyt rezydenta długoterminowego UE jest obok zezwoleń na pobyt czasowy i stały, jednym z głównych sposobów zalegalizowania pobytu w Polsce. Udzielane jest (podobnie jak zezwolenie na pobyt stały) bez określonego terminu ważności, co oznacza, że daje możliwość przebywania i pracy w Polsce (bez konieczności uzyskania dodatkowego zezwolenia) przez czas nieograniczony. Nie znaczy to jednak, że zezwolenie te nie może zostać w szczególnych sytuacjach cofnięte.

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The foreigners who want to take up employment in Poland are required to have a work permit or a temporary residence and work permit or a declaration of entrusting work to a foreigner. Individuals, who are nationals of non-EU countries, staying in Poland on the basis of a permanent residence permit or a long-term EU resident permit, do not require any additional documents granting them the privilege to take up work. 

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Kwestię działalności gospodarczej na terytorium Polski przez cudzoziemców, reguluje w głównej mierze ustawa o zasadach uczestnictwa przedsiębiorców zagranicznych i innych osób zagranicznych w obrocie gospodarczym na terytorium RP. Jak wynika z jej treści, nie w każdym przypadku, cudzoziemiec (osoba nieposiadająca obywatelstwa polskiego) może prowadzić legalny biznes w Polsce na tych samych zasadach, co obywatele polscy.

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Granting the permanent residence permit to a foreigner means that they can stay in Poland for an indefinite time. However, they should remember, that the card which has been issued to them should be exchanged every 10 years. A permanent residence permit issued in Poland does not entitle the foreigner to take up work in another country, meanwhile, he can travel to other Schengen Area countries for up to 90 days in a 180-day period as a tourist. A foreigner to be able to obtain such a permit has to meet certain requirements imposed by a statute. 

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