Kancelaria prawna z biurami w Gdańsku, Gdyni i Warszawie


Granting the permanent residence permit to a foreigner means that they can stay in Poland for an indefinite time. However, they should remember, that the card which has been issued to them should be exchanged every 10 years. A permanent residence permit issued in Poland does not entitle the foreigner to take up work in another country, meanwhile, he can travel to other Schengen Area countries for up to 90 days in a 180-day period as a tourist. A foreigner to be able to obtain such a permit has to meet certain requirements imposed by a statute. 

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One way of obtaining Polish citizenship by a foreigner is to submit the application for granting Polish citizenship to the President of the Republic of Poland. The foreigner does not have to fulfill any specific conditions to efficiently apply for granting Polish citizenship and the President of RP is not bounded by any regulations of The code of Administrative Proceedings. Lawyers of the KL Law Polska office have repeatedly provided services involving preparation of proper applications towards foreigners from the United States of America, New Zealand, Great Britain, Ukraine or other countries. 

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Kolejny artykuł na blogu na temat skutków ogłoszenia upadłości konsumenckiej w kontekście istnienia wspólnoty majątkowej między małżonkami - przyjemnej lektury!

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Czy ogłoszenie upadłości zawsze oznacza utratę majątku? Odpowiedź brzmi: NIE! W szczególnie uzasadnionych przypadkach istnieje możliwość zawarcia układu z wierzycielami co pozwala zachować wybrane składniki masy upadłościowej, np: mieszkanie.

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